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AI Literacy and Critical Thinking

AI Literacy and Critical Thinking

Critical Use of Generative AI Tools

Evaluating the Reliability and Authority of AI-Generated text and media

  • Who is the author? Could their view be biased in any way?
    • Text or images generated by AI tools have no human author, but they are trained on materials created by humans with human biases. Unlike humans, AI tools cannot reliably distinguish between biased material and unbiased material when using information to construct their responses.
  • Who is the intended audience?
    • Generative AI tools can be used to generate content for any audience based on the user’s prompt.
  • What is the intended purpose of the content?  Was it created to inform, to make money, to entertain?   
    • Generative AI tools can create convincing text and images that can be used to propagate many different ideas without being clear that the information or images could be false.
  • Where was it published?  Was it in a scholarly publication, a website, or an organization page?
    • Generative AI has already been used to create content for websites and news outlets. Considering whether the source is scholarly, has a good reputation and a clear history of providing reliable information is useful for figuring out whether the information you find is useful or misleading.
  • Does it provide sources for the information?
    • Articles, news outlets, and websites that provide sources could be an indicator of reliability.  Further assessing the sources by following the links and citations to verify the information will help confirm that the information you find is reliable. 


Limitations of AI: Hallucinations and Fake News

Generative AI natural language processing tools, language models, or chatbots like ChatGPT have been shown to hallucinate, or provide completely unsubstantiated information. Text generated by AI can also seem very confident, so it can be very difficult to ascertain what information generated by AI is trustworthy and what information is not. (To learn more, read about six fake cases created by ChatGPT in the Steven A. Schwartz and Peter LoDuca court case)

(Adapted from AI Tools and Resources/University of South Florida Libraries)


Using prompts is the key to use AI tools effectively. The following framework assist you with optimizing the outcomes. Adapted from Jeffrey Zheng on LinkedIn, May 2023

If you like to watch a short video on how to create effective prompts, check this 6 min video out. 

The slide is taken form the "ChatGPT Unleashed: What to Expect This Fall and How to Prepare" webinar offered by Alchemy on June 22, 2023 slides.

Using AI as an Educational Tool: Keeping Humans in the Loop

Personalized Learning Experiences:

AI can assist with personalized learning experiences to cater to individual college students' unique needs, learning styles, and preferences. This approach can help students grasp concepts more effectively, stay engaged, and progress at their own pace, fostering a more efficient and satisfying learning journey.

Always feel free to check with professors, preceptors, peers, librarians, and other professionals when you have questions.  Asking questions leads to new learning for everyone--building our RWU community of learners.

Research Assistant:

ChatGPT can assist the research process in the initial stages such as idea generation, research question suggestions, and offering some contextual information. With its ability to connect seemingly unrelated concepts and provide fresh perspectives, it can becomes a useful tool for researchers.

Be mindful of AI's limitations. Check for information accuracy and bias, as well as reliability of the resources. AI is known to "hallucinate" and make up resources that do not exist.  Read about six fake cases created by ChatGPT in the Steven A. Schwartz and Peter LoDuca court case.  Ask librarians and other professionals to help think through authority, bias, and accuracy of information. 

Language Learning and Translation:

AI-powered language learning apps provide interactive courses personalized to each student's proficiency. Through AI algorithms, these apps assess language skills, adapt content, and offer real-time feedback. Moreover, AI-driven translation tools enable seamless cross-cultural communication and access to international resources by overcoming language barriers.

Make sure to ask your professor about their use of AI policy in each course.  Remember that sets of data used to train AI in non-English languages may be much smaller and more prone to bias and/or misinformation.