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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a high priority for all teaching and learning at RWU. All students admitted to RWU are assigned a unique RWU User ID and password. In our Acceptable Use Policy students agree not to share this identity with others or try to gain access to another’s account. In addition, RWU adheres to FERPA regulations that protect student privacy while allowing verification of identity by instructors.

Roger Williams University Academic Standards

Academic Integrity Pledge

We, the students of Roger Williams University, commit ourselves to academic integrity. We promise to pursue the highest ideals of academic life, to challenge ourselves with the most rigorous standards, to be honest in any academic endeavor, to conduct ourselves responsibly and honorably, and to assist one another as we live and work together in mutual support.

Breaches of Academic Integrity

Roger Williams University exists to foster the mature pursuit of learning, which is premised upon the exercise of mutual trust and honest practice when representing data, findings and the sources of ideas used in an academic exercise. The University expects students to observe these principles of academic integrity that ensure the excellence of their education and the value of their diploma.

Examples of breaches of academic integrity include but are not limited to:

Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or citation in any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to

  • Copying from another student on exams or assignments;
  • Altering graded exams or assignments and resubmitting them for a new grade;
  • Submitting the same paper for two classes without both instructors’ written permission.

Fabrication: Unauthorized falsifications or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to

  • Using made-up citations in papers or other assignments;
  • Representing collaborative work as the result of individual effort;
  • Collaborating on graded assignments beyond the extent authorized by the instructor.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is best defined as the incorporation of words and ideas of another person in an attempt to claim that person’s work as one’s own. Thus, plagiarism fails to engage in civil, scholarly discourse. It is sometimes a form of intellectual theft and is always a form of intellectual fraud.

In its worst form, plagiarism may consist of directly copying large or small portions of either printed or online works, or, as frequently happens in schools, written papers of another student, without properly crediting the source(s) from which they came. There are, however, more subtle forms of plagiarism as well. Paraphrasing, which is the process of using alternative expressions to communicate the meaning of another author’s words, is also a form of plagiarism, unless the sources of those ideas are acknowledged. Roger Williams University provides resources and advice to students to help avoid plagiarism. See How to Avoid Plagiarism and the Cite Sources & Links to Handouts. Students are encouraged to consult their instructor if they have questions regarding proper documentation of sources and avoiding plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to

  • Quoting or paraphrasing someone else’s work without correct citation;
  • Copying work of another and representing it as your own;
  • Purchasing a paper, essay or other work;
  • Having someone else do your work for you.

Fraud: Altering, forging, or encouraging another person to alter or forge, official records of the institution, or assisting others in such activities. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to

  • Taking an exam for someone else;
  • Changing the grade on an assignment and representing it as the original.

Willful Damage: Damaging another’s creative work or property.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Assisting or aiding someone else in committing a
breach of academic integrity. Examples include, but are not limited to

  • Allowing another student to copy a paper, problem set, exam or other assignment that is meant to be completed individually;
  • Taking an exam or completing an assignment for another student;
  • Obtaining a copy of an exam ahead of time for oneself or another student.

Consequences of a Breach of Academic Integrity
Civil discourse and the entire academic project depend on mutual trust among the community of scholars that is Roger Williams University. Even a minor breach of academic integrity diminishes that trust. Accordingly, the consequences of a breach of academic integrity, depending on severity, include:

  • Referral to an academic integrity support meeting;
  • Failure on the assignment on which the breach occurred;
  • Failure of the class in which the breach occurred;
  • Academic probation for one semester;
  • Suspension for one semester;
  • Separation (dismissal) from the Roger Williams University community.

In a rapidly evolving AI landscape, understanding the limitations and potentials of generative AI is key to fostering academic integrity and effective learning. The journey of cultivating judgment, originality, and collaboration remains essential in education. Academic community expects original authorship, fostering thinking and creativity that leads to new ideas.

We strongly encourage you to read this blog post:  What is academic integrity in the era of generative artificial intelligence (by Chris Dede)