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Scholarly Publishing and Research Impact

The RWU Digital Commons

Did you know that the Libraries provide free Open Access Publishing services that showcase and promote the research, scholarship, and creative works of Roger Williams faculty, students, and staff?

Through the RWU Digital Commons you can publish working papers or copies of published articles and conference paper, presentations, theses, and other creative works.  It also serves as an open access journal publishing platform.  The RWU Digital Commons is a digital repository for the intellectual output of the Roger Williams University community.

Why contribute to the RWU Digital Commons:

  • Increase your visibility to the scholarly community. Google and the RWU Digital Commons work together to maximize visibility of archived materials
  • Citation Impact:  Articles published in repositories are more visible, more accessible, and have greater impact, and are cited more frequently.
  • Ensure the long term preservation and access of your scholarly work.
  • Permanent URLs for easier dissemination
  • Copyright remains with the author
  • No maintenance by authors required
  • See the impact of your work with usage statistics delivered to you automatically

Contact Mary Wu (x3053) to learn more about contributing your work to the RWU Digital Commons

Share Your Research Data

Federal mandates and many publishers require researchers to share their data.  Placing it in a data repository ensures that it will be publicly accessible.